The Earth Connection


This planet is a part of each and every one of us,

just as we are a part of it.

We carry within us the fire from the stars,

water from the seas,

air that fills the sky,

and earth that grounds and defines us.

This simple truth is India’s ageless gift to the world.

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

Sanskrit for ‘the world is one family’.

We create outside what we harbour within.

What I wish for you is what I will experience myself.

For we are one.

You. Me. This Planet and everything on it.

BEAUTIFUL INDIA is a reminder of this simple truth.


Welcome to the world of BEAUTIFUL_INDIA, a sensory reminder to journey from the head to the heart.

India is profoundly beautiful.

Through the ages, India has reminded us that we are all ONE and that our true nature is to be in PEACE. YOU and I carry the same divine flame of life, and we love one another as we LOVE our true selves.

BEAUTIFUL INDIA is an experience in mindful living and inner connections captured through a range of luxury products.

Kissed by the pristine waters of the majestic Himalayas, exotic ingredients from India and the world come together to capture its essence.

Far more than a luxury offering, BEAUTIFUL_INDIA celebrates India as much as it celebrates the highest version of the individual.

It is a reminder to make the journey that truly matters.

The journey from the head to the heart.


The higher we climb, the more pristine our vision.

The lofty Himalayas have always called out to the adventurers and the seekers. It is believed that these mighty mountains connecting the humble earth to the celestial skies are also the profound connection between us and our source, our highest selves.

Since time immemorial, the bold have persevered and scaled its mighty peaks and in doing so, triumphed over their egos and left behind their fears. High above the noise of the world, they have found peace, love, purpose and connection with their highest selves. In the mighty Himalayas, thousands of feet above, they have found the balance that eludes them on the flat land they call home. 

It is here, in this timeless cradle of the majestic Himalayan ranges, that BEAUTIFUL_INDIA has found its soul, its very reason to be.


BEAUTIFUL_INDIA is a profound experience of all that lies unexplored within you.

It is believed that we don’t pick journeys, journeys pick us.

BEAUTIFUL INDIA is a sensory journey that begins with the body and invites the soul to join, as it surrenders to forgotten fragrances, sensations and wisdom. It is a profound experience of self, inspired by an equally profound experience called India, which is where all inward journeys begin.

BEAUTIFUL INDIA has been crafted by the world’s most iconic luxury fragrance houses, with 28 ingredients gathered from 22 countries across the world. It is a reminder of all that is beautiful and pure, within you.

Set off on this sensory journey of awareness, and let this range of luxury fragrances help you find your way to that place deep within, where your higher self waits. Allow yourself to expand till you feel one with everything and everyone. Soak up the healing power of peace. Know that you are a work in progress, guided by the voice within. Look inward for the truest and most abiding love. Feel it on your pulse points, let it wash slowly across your entire body like a cosmic caress. Allow it to wrap around you in a mist of quiet awareness in this journey called life. 



At the top of the world, approximately 14,291 feet above sea level in the mighty Himalayas, the earth swoops up to meet the sky in a majestic embrace. From this union of elements is born the purest form of water known to man.

Fed by the glaciers, it takes over two decades for snow from the upper reaches of the Himalayas to transform into the purest water by percolating and filtering organically through layers of Himalayan rocks. And finally reaching the double-layered aquifer 125 meters below the surface of the earth, which is the source of our water. Untouched and unprocessed, this naturally alkaline water kisses the very soul of every BEAUTIFUL_INDIA perfume. 

The pristine water that sustains the breath and soul of India, also breathes life into the essence of the BEAUTIFUL_INDIA experience.


Because life has a way of coming full circle.

You and I are tiny dots on a little blue dot that is part of a huge and spectacular family of suspended dots we know to be the cosmos. BEAUTIFUL_INDIA believes that joining these dots is the essence of life.

Everything that carries the BEAUTIFUL_INDIA logo is an acknowledgement of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, Sanskrit for ‘The world is one family.’ We are all connected to each other by threads of vibrant energy. Energy that needs to be kept in its natural harmonious balance. Which is why every product is made with reverence for the earth, the dot we call home, and all life on it – plant, animal and human.

Every ingredient used is sustainable and responsibly sourced. Every process is clean and environmentally conscious. And every individual that painstakingly wraps the products, is offered gratitude through every stage of its creation. BEAUTIFUL_INDIA is about harmony, awareness and the deepest appreciation for the earth and everything on it.

Our Founder

India has always been the gateway for profound journeys. Journeys that inspire adventurers to overcome the forces of nature. And quieter journeys of another kind that inspire seekers to overcome the force of their own natures.

BEAUTIFUL INDIA has been created as a reminder to the adventurer in us all to nurture the seeker within. A reminder to make time for inner journeys in our travels through life.

The brand embodies the founder's Indian legacy with life-affirming truths that have guided his own personal journey of experiences, places and cultures.

Working with global leaders and entrepreneurial stalwarts for three decades germinated within Praveen Kenneth the idea of creating a global brand that amplifies the profound wisdom and spiritual legacy of India and brings it as a reminder to everyday life.

BEAUTIFUL INDIA is all that. And a little more. It is also an affirmation of life, a daily reminder to him or anyone who experiences the brand, to make the important journey that truly matters. The one from the head to the heart.