Embrace the Wisdom of  ONE : India’s timeless gift to the world.

Embrace the Wisdom of ONE : India’s timeless gift to the world.

The world is abounding with issues and complexities that challenge our status quo, become obstacles in the path to our happiness, even existence. These hurdles can either be interpreted either as stress inducers by us, or opportunities to grow. Allowing us to emerge from the sea of chaos as stronger beings having converted problems into progress. One problem solved is one step forward. And if all of humanity on this planet were to take that one step forward, we evolve as a race. The evolution of one species as we know, impacts all the others, and eventually the planet. It’s as simple as that.

Given the declining state of the planet, we now know that there is no ‘us’ versus ‘them’. There is only ‘we’. We are collectively responsible for what we see around us and only we can collectively do something to change it. We are part of an interdependent whole, and as such our individual goals need to be aligned to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people. This begins with being aware of the one state.

India has from time immemorial, been advocating the wisdom of one. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is Sanskrit for ‘The world is one family.’ Though we live as individuals and entities in separate nations and continents, we stem from the same pool of consciousness and are bound by the common thread of life. This awareness can help us rise above ourselves, and transcend separateness. It wakes us up to the wisdom and power of interconnectedness. Think about it like this. When individual electrical nodes are connected, a communication network is created. As the number of connections between these nodes increases, so does the hefty computational power of this network. The human race is literally a massive neural network that if connected, can be the most potent power in the universe. We simply need to awaken to the potency of this truth, and its ability to transfer the flow of wisdom and intent.

It's time to abandon our differences and think of ourselves only as humans who are engaged in a universal ecological and moral struggle. To fuse our intent to heal the planet and therefore everything on it that is off course. And to embrace our collective power called consciousness. Being one is the all-encompassing solution to everything that ails us individually and collectively. It is time to live in this awareness.

India reminds us to embrace the wisdom, peace and enduring joy that comes from connecting with infinity that is the universe. And knowing that we are not separate, but part of one big whole.